Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Coversyl More Drug_warnings_recalls


Excuse the inconvenience, but there 'took a while' to finish the system 'I blog!
.. of course the picture will start to be in a couple of days ... for now only accept comments smart .. even tomorrow almost certainly there will be some photos.

Departure and arrival from Helsinki Lahti on the first day was nothing .. No! only woods .. then the sun go ever down nn '.. I say NEVER! .. SOME' of congestive THERE .. but it goes on ..
.. there 'a vague feeling of being closer to the ground ..

.. and now 'arrived in Kuopio yesterday after 150km of riding all d' a breath !!!.. the rain makes it a little 'more' hard all .. but that 'that there' is about to disappear any hesitation to slow down or stop ..
the wind and of course '.. and always against' wind from the North Pole and more .. 'climb over' tries to push you back .. but I have the vague feeling that we'll win the challenge !!!!!! !!

Well ... WE IN FINLAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!(.. no bisi !!!!!!)

abbian PS Yesterday saw the first Renna!

indormenzarse .. ..


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