Thursday, October 29, 2009

Diverticulosis More Condition_treatment

listening space" THINK POINT "

The Monday 'from 15 to 18
Information: 3403911950 sms with

Parpagliona reopens in the 5th district of Sesto San Giovanni, the listening space educational THINK POINT.
Completely free, designed for teens and preteens and maintained by Vincent Nastasi , an educator who worked for years in the district following projects related to this age group.
THINK POINT is a place created to listen to boys and girls; opportunity that part of their need to communicate and tell small and large events, desires, emotions that happen in their lives quotidiana.THINK POINT is intended as a place created for children so that they can deal with a adult figure who will listen, help them, reassures them and induce them to seek and implement concrete answers to their questions, doubts and difficulties of everyday life.
spaces such as listening THINK POINT have already been tried for 6 years in some secondary schools in the first and second instance of the Sixth (and Seventh Calamandrei Institute Falck and Ferraris) becoming a significant point of reference for students and the schools themselves.

access modes:
- THINK POINT is open EVERY MONDAY 'from 15 to 18 at the headquarters of the district 5 district in via Campestre 250 (corner of Via Mantovani).

- The space provides for meetings upon request from the boys and girls involved, who will meet Vince will mark on a calendar-sheet in the space of this area its name (the surname is not needed) on Monday and at the time most convenient to him (between 15 and 18)

- For information or to cancel an appointment required it, please contact Vince on the number of cell. 3403911950 with an sms

The initiative is part of the activities under the Contract Quarter Parpagliona.


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