Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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Open Space Cusano Milanino

June 4 primary school "E. Fermi" Cusano Milanino held its first OST (Open Space Technology) entitled Capirsi to understand, that what is needed to improve collaboration between teachers and parents. The East was attended by 130 people ! and lasted about 3 hours.

In his role as facilitators of the Open Space two operators of the cooperative The Great House Marse and an operation of the association, agency lead 23 of the bill, mostly in primary school. In this sense, the Open Space was the final event in a series of trails for kids, parents and teachers.
What is East?

The Open Space is an innovative tool of "participatory planning". Making an Open Space means an area of \u200b\u200bopen discussion in which participants are the real stars are the ones who, in complete autonomy, choose how and when to move and make a contribution, decide on the items and expressing the desire to develop, thanks to their passions, interests and commitment.
Anyone conducting an Open Space is to do the job radically different from that to which a facilitator is used. It must give up exercise control group, the process and results of the different working sessions and used to be surprised by what the passion, interest and commitment of the participants will produce.

(Taken from: Brief guide Open Space Technology, Harrison Owen )


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