Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Smelly Urine Menopause

publish a list of articles and books written by the team of educators Area Teens Bridge:
  • "The summer was coming and my sister at the window. Call humor and creativity in the helping professions." Animation Company (August-September 2010) Alberto Panciroli, Stefano Valaguzza, Vincent Nastasi.
  • " Time passes and does not pass in vain." Animation Company (April 2010) by Alberto Panciroli.
  • "School and personal identity." School & Education (October 2009) by Alberto Nastasi and Vincenza Panciroli.
  • "Windows in the school. As pre-adolescents see the school, themselves and their relationships with teachers in meetings conducted in a listening space, " School & Education (September 2009) by Alberto Nastasi and Vincenza Panciroli.
  • " The first day of Omar space by day. " Social Animation (May 2009) Alberto Panciroli.
  • "Experiences Accompanying the Big House: a narrative approach." of Alberto Panciroli published in "Towards autonomy. Pathways to support the social integration of young people. " by Silvio Premoli, Franco Angeli (2009)
  • " A new dialogue in the school. " School & Education (May 2008) by Alberto Nastasi and Vincenza Panciroli
  • "The Journey of Proust. Clipboard to create a new dialogue between teachers and pupils." Animation Company (March 2007) by Alberto Panciroli.
  • "The teacher in school. The mobilization of untapped resources for troubled teens." Animation Company (October 2005) by Alberto Panciroli.
  • "A ball about as big as a wheel of the bus. Stories, desires, dreams and paths of boys passed at the Area Teens" The Bridge " Editions Unicopli (November 2005) Panciroli Alberto, Diego and Stefano Micheli Valaguzza.


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